Monday, August 30, 2021

#abouttheauthoraugust (week two) + something you love about your main character(s)

 other posts in this event 

introduce yourself
three facts about your work in progress 
your writing space 

Heyyyyy, it’s About the Author August week two prompt no. 6! I am quite excited to write this one, as I’ve JuST FINALLY At LASt fOr OnCe for CERTAIN found something in my main character to grip my teeth into. I hated Ichabod before, like, yesterday. He was so useless yet I couldn’t get rid of him because he is so iconic. When I decided to start really working on this project again, I read through all of my old notes, my original plot and it was like I was reading off pages of swiss cheese. Holes everywhere, everywhere. Which actually excited me. If I can tell what’s wrong I can fix it but I find it so frustrating when I dig myself into those holes and can’t find a way out or around or under. A new perspective was exactly what I needed. Did I need a two year long new perspective? Probably not but it’s fine. Here’s what I love about Ichabod Crane.

I. he is a self proclaimed folklore expert

   in Sleepy Hollow, most know that magic-folk, fae, seelie & unseelie etc. used to exist, but have long since gone extinct. Some deny their existence at all. Ichabod believes they may still wander in safe havens or less populated places. He blames humans for butchering the chances of fae and man existing together and believes that the world could benefit from a touch of that old magic. However, he has no idea what he’s getting into when he comes to the hollow. 

II. he is okay with being different

  due to his beliefs, Ichabod is often laughed at. Often. He doesn’t let it phase him. Instead it inspires him.

III. he is kind

  not a jerk. I’m a little sick of the mean angsty main guy who the world just DOesN’t understand. 

IV. he carries a notebook everywhere

  it’s admirable. But also quite funny. I can’t imagine carrying one with me and ACTUALLY using it, but Mr. Crane does.

V. he sees beauty in everything 

  the world is far more wonderful to Ichabod. Nothing is only as it seems, so he studies people the same way he studies plants and wings and the weather. With care.


I’m still a bit unsure on everything that he is. But I definitely know some things that he is not. He is not… 

utterly gorgeous. I am so tired of attractive characters. Get lost. Go stare at yourself in the mirror all day then. 

a sixteen year old who acts like a twenty eight year old. I would like to read more stories about young adults and after thank you. A lot of popular books push the TEENAGE everything and everyone but they make adult choices and act like adults and have adult relationships?? and it confuses me.

the center of all romance in the book. Call me crazy but I don’t think a book has to center entirely on love or have the main character be the center of all love be it triangle, circle, or square (get it ha) for it to be good. 

a character who has a horrible terrible parental relationship. Ichabod loves his parents oh my gosh crazy right?

Hopefully I’ll crack the code of his character soon and give him a heavy emotional and fundamental attachment to the story. Characterization is a huge challenge for me but it’s quite fun when it goes well!

Next I’ll share my writing routine ✨ 

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