Friday, October 11, 2024

this or that || autumn tag

 since I have already filled out an autumn tag but still crave to post about autumn, I created a 'this or that' tag! chose one or the other; you cannot have both because life isn't fair. 


plum or burgundy? || burgundy

boots or sneakers? || boots

cardigan or rain jacket? || rain jacket

stripes or plaid? || plaid. but stripes have been growing on my lately.

brown or orange? || brown! I don't like orange unless it's in nature.

sweaters or layering? || ...both. I get very cold.

pale or tan? || pale. both are beautiful, but I don't use self tanner and I don't use a tanning bed, so I'm really only tan in summer because I'm outside. 

hat or ear muffs? || ear muffs. I don't really like anything on my head, but at least ear muffs would keep me warmer.

pumpkin or apple? || can I cheat? pumpkin for savory dishes and apple for sweet? to chose only one though, I'll say apple.

cinnamon or nutmeg? || cinnamon.

cocoa or coffee? || coffee. too much coffee.

oatmeal or cinnamon roll? || cinnamon roll. I don't like the texture of oatmeal. 

soup or chili? || soup. because chili doesn't usually have broccoli and I love broccoli.

apple cider or cinnamon tea? || apple cider.

starbucks or local coffee? || I wouldn't chose coffee local to me, but a local coffee shop I've been to in Michigan called aldea is my favorite coffee place ever.

hard back or soft back? || hard back. it feels more special, but I do enjoy the process of reading from a softback more.

thriller or cozy story? || cozy story. I cannot digest horrors, or thrillers, or anything psychologically disturbing. they will bother me for months after I've seen them. 

fall break or winter break? || winter break. only because it is an entire month long!

handwritten notes or typed notes? || handwritten. 

love letter or journal entry? || love letter. I don't enjoy journaling anyways, but there is nothing like reading a letter someone took time to craft just to tell you how they feel about you. 

the hobbit or the prisoner of azkaban? || sooo difficult to choose. if we're talking movies, I'll say the hobbit and if we're talking books I'll say the prisoner of azkaban.

bookstore or thrift store? || bookstore!

halloween or thanksgiving? || thanksgiving.  

trick or treating or passing out candy? || I don't like candy very much, and halloween was never that fun for me. so, I'll say passing out candy. 

hocus pocus or halloweentown? || hocus pocus. 

pumpkin carving or corn maze? || corn maze! I love the rustling of dried corn. 

folk music or orchestral music? || orchestral. 

train ride or horseback riding? || horseback riding!

bonfire or indoor game night? || bonfire. I love fires. 

stargazing or journaling? || stargazing. it is a secret dream of mine to travel to the Isle of Sark and stargaze. 

rain or wind? || wind.

fox or bat? || fox. bats have rabies and look absolutely menacing.

brownie or boggart? || brownie! 

early rise or late night? || in autumn, late night. it depresses me to wake up without the sun. 

violin or cello? || cello. 

crunchy leaves or rustling corn? || rustling corn. it reminds me of my childhood home. 

-from Nie

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

autumn tag || 2024

I filled out an autumn tag to welcome the fall season. this week I was able to slip a couple of sweaters on, wear a jacket, and switch to my long pajama pants. it's getting cooler and the sun is still set when I wake up for class. I shall try to keep my habit of purchasing a hot drink every day I work or have class under control... we'll see if I'm more successful than I was last year. 

this tag is from mckenna @cozykitsune

spooky autumn or cozy autumn? || cozy autumn. I am not a spooky halloweenie person. I prefer more season-centric celebrations. 

a fall activity you'd like to try? || every year, my sisters, my love, and I go to our local apple orchard and get apple cider, walk the corn maze, and pick the fresh apples. I look forward to it every year.

ghoul, ghost, or monster? || monster. like werewolves, vampires, or puckish dark elves. I am a fantasy fan, not a supernatural fan. 

favorite animated spooky film? || song of the sea. it is not "spooky" per se, but the movie takes place on halloween and it features ancient celtic creatures.

gore, supernatural, or thriller? || gore. I do not like scary movies. I am too empathetic and I will be upset by them for months after I watch them. but I've never been very bothered by gore. 
something you're excited to wear this fall? || I have a houndstooth skirt and a black skirt that I have already been wearing with black tights and it makes me feel like Amy Pond. I am excited to try all sorts of different combinations and layers. also, I quite like deep red/burgundy and autumn is the best time to wear it. 

song that reminds you of autumn? || words as weapons by Birdy,  vincent (starry starry night) by Josh Groban, I see fire by Ed Sheeran.

what did you dress up as last Halloween? || I don't dress up for halloween anymore. it would be fun to dress up for passing out candy or for a party but I haven't done so in my adult years. the last halloween costume I ever wore as a trick-or-treator was Lucy Pevensie. 

would you prefer your arms or legs to be chilly? || I hate being cold. I hate being cold. I hate being cold. neither of the above options, thank you. but if I had to choose, I'd say cold legs over arms. when my arms are cold my whole body feels cold. 

favorite autumn leaf? || the crispy crunchy kind that I like to step on on my walks.

what is your favorite fall food? || I make a pumpkin pecan coffee cake that my love really enjoys and I cannot wait to bake it for the first time this year! my favorite fall food would be pumpkin mac n' cheese.

favorite fall makeup look? || lately I want to wear a deep burgundy lipstick. or a burnt orange and bronze eyeshadow combination. 

the sound of falling rain or a crackling fireplace? || falling rain is one of my favorite sounds, but I prefer spring or summer rains. autumn rain can feel depressing to me. so I will chose crackling fire. it is alive and it is warm and bright. I  l o v e  bonfires. 

I tag anyone who wants to sink into the blanket of autumn that is settling on us. I enjoyed filling this out. I may create an autumn tag of my own soon if the creativity strikes me. 

-from Nie

Sunday, September 22, 2024

the 12th annual Tolkien Blog Party begins!

if you've never attended Rachel's annual Tolkien Blog Party, then you've never had fun. good news though, anyone and everyone is invited and you can join at any time this week and participate in her tags, giveaways and link ups! here's your invitation. 

this year is particularly special, because I have not participated since 2017. needless to say, I am ready to party. 

so, grab a glass of cider, turn up the shire jams, and settle in for the first post of the party- a Middle Earth location-themed tag!

1. The Shire: What place in Middle-earth do you think you would feel the most like home for you?

I'm torn between The Shire and Rivendell. the green grass, forests, and countryside homes of the shire truly remind me of my childhood home. we lived in the country on 10 acres of grass and woods. tall evergreen trees acted as a fence between our yard and the neighbor's, and across the street was a long stretch of cornfield that rustled in the fall. but, Rivendell calls to me as well. as an adult, that is where I am most drawn and would most like to call home. the babbling brooks, careful architecture, and rich colors all nestled in a secluded place make it feel like the most peaceful place in Middle Earth. 

I will choose Rivendell, as I hope to get better at looking to the future instead of longing for the past. 

2. Bree: If you could create a Middle-earth-themed restaurant, what would you serve there?

hobbit food. hobbit. food. I know the elves eat healthier and greener, but I want some of that salted pork. I hear it's particularly good. they eat local cheeses, herbed butters, glazed meats, fried fish, crispy bacon, fresh tomatoes, cheesy rolls, and cold cider. that's the kind of food I will quite literally day dream about. I would serve homemade hearty meals like that. I love eating healthy, but no other food makes you feel comforted like hobbit approved meals. 

my face when I realize how much cholesterol I'm about to consume

3. Rivendell: Where in Middle-earth would you like to hang out with your friends for a week or so?

Hobbiton! I imagine they have a lovely little inn, or spare rooms you can rent at the tavern. we'd explore the countryside, hunt for mushrooms in the woods, read by the fire of some new friend, and laugh over warm meals.

4. Moria: Have you ever delved into the history of Middle-earth (or the history of Tolkien's creative process)? If so, did you learn anything cool you'd like to share?

oh, yes. yes, yes. my sister and I spent many an hour searching for answers to the most obscure lifestyle or culture questions we had about the elves. I am posting later this week on the diet of the elves, actually. so, I don't want to spoil anything on that topic but I will share that in our research we learned that lembas bread was likely made from white corn and would therefore taste similar to our cornbread. knowing that, I really can't blame Pippin and Merry for eating so many because cornbread is scrumptious

5. Lothlorien: Would you like to sleep in a tree?

that would be a dream come true. as a kid, I used to doodle elaborate tree houses I was determined to one day build myself. they would include twisting staircases, lattice-work and secret basket-and-pulley systems that would allow me to haul my books and knick-knacks up into the house. now, I still dream of spending the afternoon or the night in a tree, but in a different way. I want to feel the breeze on my skin, and sway in sync with the branches. I want to find a hearty tree with big branches, string a hammock from branch to branch (in the top of the tree), and lay there staring at the stars until I feel utterly free.

6. Edoras: Do you like horses?

yes, very much. they are my favorite animal. they are so powerful, mighty, but not harmful. they are peaceful and loving but always free. I took horse riding lessons as a child and it was an amazing experience. there's nothing that feels quite the same as that flip in your stomach when your horse leaps over a log or a post and your'e suspended for a moment, trusting them to take you back to the ground. horses are beautiful. 

7. Minas Tirith: Have you ever dressed as a Tolkien character, whether for a convention or Halloween or anything else? (Bonus fake internet points if you share a photo!)

I have not done so in a costume or dress up sort of way. but, I have taken inspiration from elven hair and clothing and tried to dress as I thought they would in the modern day. silk skirts, rich knit sweaters, deep colors, wide necklines, long soft hair, light makeup, silver jewelry. I wanted to achieve something ethereal and feminine and timeless. it was quite fun. 

8. Erebor: Do you have any Middle-earth merchandise you particularly treasure?

no, but oh how I spent hours pouring over the noble collection's lotr page. I have wanted to purchase AndΓΊril, or Sting for some time. my brother used to get one every Christmas. he would hang them in their wooden frames all around his room. fencing swords, katanas, medieval swords, curved daggers. I thought it was the coolest thing. but besides weapons, I have always wanted Arwen's pendant, but have never purchased it because it looks so large that I don't think I'd ever wear it. I'm not a big jewelry person and only wear very simple dainty jewelry. 

9. Mordor: Have you ever read anything by Tolkien that wasn't about Middle-earth?

The Fall of Arthur, Tolkien's interpretation of King Arthur's classic tale. I did not read it cover-to-cover though. I used snippets as inspiration for a medieval story I was working on at the time. 

10. The Grey Havens: How long has it been since you last ventured into Middle-earth via book or film?

last year, on my birthday I watched the entire film series. it has been over a year now, and I'm waiting for the right time to watch them again. 

- from Nie