Friday, October 11, 2024

this or that || autumn tag

 since I have already filled out an autumn tag but still crave to post about autumn, I created a 'this or that' tag! chose one or the other; you cannot have both because life isn't fair. 


plum or burgundy? || burgundy

boots or sneakers? || boots

cardigan or rain jacket? || rain jacket

stripes or plaid? || plaid. but stripes have been growing on my lately.

brown or orange? || brown! I don't like orange unless it's in nature.

sweaters or layering? || ...both. I get very cold.

pale or tan? || pale. both are beautiful, but I don't use self tanner and I don't use a tanning bed, so I'm really only tan in summer because I'm outside. 

hat or ear muffs? || ear muffs. I don't really like anything on my head, but at least ear muffs would keep me warmer.

pumpkin or apple? || can I cheat? pumpkin for savory dishes and apple for sweet? to chose only one though, I'll say apple.

cinnamon or nutmeg? || cinnamon.

cocoa or coffee? || coffee. too much coffee.

oatmeal or cinnamon roll? || cinnamon roll. I don't like the texture of oatmeal. 

soup or chili? || soup. because chili doesn't usually have broccoli and I love broccoli.

apple cider or cinnamon tea? || apple cider.

starbucks or local coffee? || I wouldn't chose coffee local to me, but a local coffee shop I've been to in Michigan called aldea is my favorite coffee place ever.

hard back or soft back? || hard back. it feels more special, but I do enjoy the process of reading from a softback more.

thriller or cozy story? || cozy story. I cannot digest horrors, or thrillers, or anything psychologically disturbing. they will bother me for months after I've seen them. 

fall break or winter break? || winter break. only because it is an entire month long!

handwritten notes or typed notes? || handwritten. 

love letter or journal entry? || love letter. I don't enjoy journaling anyways, but there is nothing like reading a letter someone took time to craft just to tell you how they feel about you. 

the hobbit or the prisoner of azkaban? || sooo difficult to choose. if we're talking movies, I'll say the hobbit and if we're talking books I'll say the prisoner of azkaban.

bookstore or thrift store? || bookstore!

halloween or thanksgiving? || thanksgiving.  

trick or treating or passing out candy? || I don't like candy very much, and halloween was never that fun for me. so, I'll say passing out candy. 

hocus pocus or halloweentown? || hocus pocus. 

pumpkin carving or corn maze? || corn maze! I love the rustling of dried corn. 

folk music or orchestral music? || orchestral. 

train ride or horseback riding? || horseback riding!

bonfire or indoor game night? || bonfire. I love fires. 

stargazing or journaling? || stargazing. it is a secret dream of mine to travel to the Isle of Sark and stargaze. 

rain or wind? || wind.

fox or bat? || fox. bats have rabies and look absolutely menacing.

brownie or boggart? || brownie! 

early rise or late night? || in autumn, late night. it depresses me to wake up without the sun. 

violin or cello? || cello. 

crunchy leaves or rustling corn? || rustling corn. it reminds me of my childhood home. 

-from Nie


  1. This was such a delight to read! πŸ‚πŸ‚
    I'm on a blogging rest until November, but I've bookmarked this page because I want to do this when I start again!!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I certainly enjoyed making it. I look forward to the end of your blogging rest because I love to read your posts - but I hope you fully enjoy the break. yes, please fill it out I am curious to see your answers!!

    2. Thank you so much!
      That motivates and inspires me to keep writing and posting! I'm so glad I found someone that loves to write and read whimsical writings like I do!!
