Wednesday, September 18, 2019

my current state of (in)sanity

 As I previously stated, I started college in September. It has been an interesting experience so far and while I am adjusting to working and going to school and paying my own bills and being far away from family, I am so, so grateful to God that I can go to school, and have a job and a house. I have been overwhelmed with thankfulness lately, which isn't something I feel very often. I have a tendency to complain or take things for granted but even my worn out, hollow soul cannot stifle this feeling of gratitude.

 So, here is a peek into my current state of mind. While these are pretty much 100% accurate, I find I am more at peace now in my new life than I have been in many years. That's probably a good sign that I am at last on the right track. Anyways, on to the jesting!

The Very Best History Memes Ever Found On The Internet #memes #lol

When you're peacefully watching Star Wars and realize you never submitted your online homework.

1776 - THIS MUSICAL RUINED AMERICAN HISTORY FOR ME. Now and forever, Richard Henry Lee will be a self-absorbed dandy child prancing around fountains with Benjamin Franklin. GAHH

This is why history is so great, because we realize that our ancestors were just like us!

I'm the one on the right.

current mood - Mr. Knightley

me trying to read in the breakroom. and...

those eyes, though.

when someone I dislike starts  t a l k i n g  in the breakroom and never. stops. 

Downton Abbey Sigh GIF

Me after work even though I just stand there and drag items across a scanner.

BBC Robin Hood (I loved his facial expressions. Such a little trouble maker)

me having to listen to other people's conversations 24/7 now that I work and go to school. 
30 Lord of the Rings Memes - School Funny - School Funny meme - #school #funny #meme -  30 Lord of the Rings Memes  Funnyfoto | Funny Pictures  Videos  Gifs  Page 22  The post 30 Lord of the Rings Memes appeared first on Gag Dad.
Instagram post by Classical Art Memes • Mar 1, 2019 at 5:46am UTC

and a special preview of next semester when I start Math classes...

Resultado de imagem para memes brasil


Thursday, August 8, 2019

mr. collins or socially anxious me?

 Sometimes, when I am in public and or around people, I lose my mind. There's too much going on, too many different faces flashing by, too many thoughts and motives clashing. My heart starts racing and then... it happens.

 Suddenly, I feel myself start to change. 

 I am no longer M. a (hopefully) normal-looking girl, minding her own business. No, I am overcome by the spirit of the one and only, Mr. Collins. My choices are no longer my own, but Lady Catherine De Bourgh's. And suddenly, horribly, it becomes my sole purpose to please the vanities of others and ramble about complete and utter nonsense. Allow me to illustrate.

Everything I do, I have to do at lightning speed.

Make haste! (Pride and Prejudice)

Which, of course, leads to clumsiness. Bumping into things, dropping precious items, flying backward off of carriages. I no longer have a center of balance. Which is a peculiar feeling because I am not naturally clumsy.

I think it's so funny that someone made a gif of this. I loved this little scene. Mr Collins was SO annoying.

*slams on gas in car at red light*

I try WAY too hard to please others.

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If you can believe that one of these is worse than the rest, this is just the WORST. I don't know why, but I, like, need the people around me to approve of me when I get socially anxious. You want my left arm? Here, have my right one too! I swear, I would even lean forward for them to slap me in the face if they asked. When really, I couldn't care less if they approve of me, because I do and that's what matters.

Image result for mr. collins 1995

*pretends to care about people's problems so they'll like me*

Jokes fly straight over my head and off a cliff.

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It's like people are speaking a different language when they try to crack a joke around me. It's especially hard if it's about me. I hear, "Ajdkf iwoeuw fejow HAHAHAHA". So I just nod and smile, having no CLUE what they said. Super awkward. Would not recommend it.

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*attempts to calculate the meaning of laughter*

And lastly, if there is a second, and I mean a second of silence, you can bet your personal copy of Fordyce's sermons, I'll start rambling about nonsense.

 Image result for mr. collins 1995

 It could be the shelves in a closet, or the weather, or the fact that shoelaces always seem to come untied at the worst moments. The longer a person makes eye contact with me, the more pointless my words become. I just start spewing any observation that comes to mind. If, at this point, you could say I even have a mind. Honestly, it makes me seem like an idiot, which, I am proud to say, I am not.

Jane Austen + Text Posts

*yes, the, uhmm, the ceiling is very good at providing shade*

 It is a hard life when social anxiety forces you to adopt the morbid personality of a sweaty, middle-aged, mediocre clergyman with a thing for closets and rich old ladies. But, in the end, I suppose it could be worse. After all, Mr. Collins is one who is blessed by Lady Catherine De Bourgh's patronage and condescension. And that has to count for something, doesn't it?

Image result for Mr. collins
